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EMS Laser Master 28.-30.06.2019

EMS Laser   Eurilca Venue Site

Notice of Race

EMS Laser Info-Sheet

Programm and Information: Info-Sheet

Sailing Instructions:

Sailing Instructions: SI



Unfortunately, the Laser EMS Master is already over - in glorious weather conditions
and with 2 days  beautiful winds could be sailed 5 races,  so the discard was 
given. ;-)

On Friday we started on time at 14h with 15 knots from NNW - only Christoph Marsano

was too fast with an OCS .. (but with a lot of first places he may allow it ;-))

On Saturday we did not have much to offer apart from our land thermics with 3-5 knots

The Course would not have fit in the thermik and the few wind collapsed completely.

So we had to wait for the south wind, which came on Sunday with about 14 knots, so  
beautiful 3 races could be sailed and then the winners are chosen.

We thank the sailors from 9 nations for the great event and of course all our helpers

First of all race director Peter Barnert with team from BYC, the jury with chairman 
Rainer Kornfeld - who had very little to do ;-) and our neighbor club UYCN's 
for all their support. Also a big thank you to Beat from EurILCA for support and our
Jesus from the Laser class association.
Hopefully we see us again to this nice event!