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Day 3

starting with very low wind all fleets came back ashore after waiting 2 hours on water.

after a short break the race committe decided to go out on...


Fleetlist for 15.8.2012

Day - 2 finished

Now we finished a very nice second racing day with 3 races is the boys green fleet, two races for both girl fleets and 2 more races for boys-red,blue...


Don´t forget !

Tomorrow on wednesday 15.8.2012 there is a midweek party in the clubhouse!


Day 2 - perfect weather

All fleets already finished one race and some already started the second for today!

10-15knots on the water a bit shifting and perfect sunshine!


Amendment to the Sailinginstructions

Day 1-Course B/A

course B has finished for today. the extrem shifting wind forced the race comittee to abandon the girl fleets, just the boys have finished one race....


Waiting and practice-Day 1

like it was planned the fleets where going out on the water to start at 11:30, but because of the shifting and decreasing wind the race comittee...


Newsletter 01

Matthias Schmid und Florian Reichstädter auf Platz neun

Die 470er Segler Matthias Schmid und Florian Reichstädter haben ihr Olympiaziel erreicht und beenden das Medal Race und die Olympischen Spiele unter...
